8 research outputs found

    OntoMathPROOntoMath^{PRO} Ontology: A Linked Data Hub for Mathematics

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    In this paper, we present an ontology of mathematical knowledge concepts that covers a wide range of the fields of mathematics and introduces a balanced representation between comprehensive and sensible models. We demonstrate the applications of this representation in information extraction, semantic search, and education. We argue that the ontology can be a core of future integration of math-aware data sets in the Web of Data and, therefore, provide mappings onto relevant datasets, such as DBpedia and ScienceWISE.Comment: 15 pages, 6 images, 1 table, Knowledge Engineering and the Semantic Web - 5th International Conferenc

    International workshop “digital technologies for teaching and learning” (DTTL–2021)

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    We present a collection of selected materials from the International Seminar “Digital Teaching and Learning Technologies” (DTTL – 2021), which took place on March 22–28, 2021 in Kazan, Russia. The aim of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers in the field of intelligent learning systems, ontology modeling, educational software researchers interested in digital learning and learning technologies

    Developing the OntoMath<sup>Edu</sup> ecosystem for educational applications

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    In the modern world, remote technologies have gained great popularity and demand. This happened due to the fact that many educational institutions were forced to switch to a distance learning format in response to the epidemiological situation. Kazan Federal University has a distance learning system based on LMS Moodle. As a component of this system for teaching school mathematics, the OntoMathEdu ecosystem is being developed, the main goal of which is to personalize the process of distance learning in school mathematics. The article also describes the generation of some types of tasks in school geometry, based on the structure and concepts of the ontology of the same name, which contains a cross-section of knowledge on planimetry. The types of tasks covered in this article are as follows: theoretical tasks with the choice of the correct answer, an interactive task to restore the relationships between a certain set of ontology concepts, as well as a task to choose a suitable relationship between two concepts. In addition, one of the methods for improving the structure of the ontology is highlighted to further improve the quality of the task generator and other components of the ecosystem

    Modeling of didactic relationships in the OntoMath<sup>Edu</sup> educational mathematical ontology

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    We discuss the system of didactic relationships of the OntoMathEdu educational mathematical ontology. OntoMathEdu is a central component of the digital educational platform under development at Kazan Federal University, which is intended for solving such tasks as automatic knowledge tests generation and automatic recommendation of educational materials according to an individual study plan. The ontology is organized into three layers: a foundational ontology layer, a domain ontology layer, and a linguistic layer. The domain ontology layer contains math language-independent concepts from secondary school mathematics curriculums. The concepts are provided with labels in Russian, English, Spanish and Tatar. The system of didactic relationships reflects how the concepts are studied in the actual educational process according to a corresponding national curriculum. The system defines two basic didactic relations: the prerequisite relation and the relation between a concept and its educational level. An educational level is associated with the stage of student training and its profiling. The prerequisite relation determines the sequence of the studied concepts. Arrangement of concepts by educational levels, in turn, determines educational projections, i.e. projections of the ontology to national education systems. Currently, there are two projections of the ontology: on Russian and the UK education systems respectively. Educational projections can be used for curriculum planning, translation of a curriculum into other languages, and personalization of learning. The didactic relationships were introduced in the 2nd release of OntoMathEdu, which was presented at WEA 2021. While the WEA 2021 paper describes them from an engineering point of view, this paper does it from a methodological perspective

    Severe bronchial asthma patient care organization in various regions of the Russian Federation. From endotypes and phenotypes of bronchial asthma to personalized choice of therapy

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    © 2020 Consilium Medikum. All rights reserved. The meeting of the Expert board was held in Moscow on June 24, 2019, at which the following issues were considered: the applicability of a new terminology characterizing asthma endotypes and phenotypes in real clinical practice, the effect of phenotypes and biomarkers in patients with bronchial asthma on the choice of biological drug, as well as the optimal clinical profiles of patients for whom dupilumab is most effective, taking into account the data of the III phase clinical trials, regional features of medical care and changes in updated international clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of asthma. The Expert board included members of leading Russian scientific and educational medical institutions: S.N. Avdeev, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, prof., MD; O.A. Volkova, Ph.D.; I.V. Demko, prof., MD; G.L. Ignatova, prof., MD; I.V. Leshchenko, prof., MD; Kanukova N.A.; Kudelya L.M., prof., MD; V.A. Nevzorova, prof., MD; N.G. Nedashkovskaya; O.P. Ukhanova, prof., MD; L.V. Shulzhenko, prof., MD; R.S. Fassakhov, prof., MD


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    Aim: To develop evidence-based recommendations for primary care physicians and general practitioners (GP) on choosing the proper management tactics and making valuable & quick diagnostic decisions at outpatient phase for patients with symptoms of dyspepsia, and also reveal possible oncology on time. Summary of recommendations: Approximately 40% of the patients in Russia presenting to primary care with symptoms of dyspepsia. A doctor has to focus on the warning signs, which may require an urgent additional examination & the consultation with a surgeon/onco-surgeon or other specialists if required. With regard to a risk of cancer, a doctor should be more cautious in patients over 45 years of age. Early diagnosis of oncology depends mainly on cautiousness of GP, primary care physicians and their knowledge, future tactics with regard to the patients. From the mandatory diagnostic tests during the first visit, esophagogastroduodenoscopy and H. pylori diagnostics helps to exclude any organic esophagus and stomach pathology, possible oncology. While waiting for endoscopy results, a physician should use the preliminary diagnoses “Uninvestigated Dyspepsia” (ICD-10 К 31.9) (disease of stomach and duodenum, unspecified). After exclusion of all warning signs, therapy of dyspepsia should be in accordance to the order of the Ministry of Health No 248 which gives an option to use proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole or rabeprazole 20 mg daily) in combination with prokinetic (domperidone 30 mg daily). Fixed drug combination of omeprazole 20 mg and modified-release domperidone 30 mg/daily (Omez® DSR) is medically reasonable. Conclusion: The introduction of this recommendation into clinical practice will help clinicians to prevent diagnostic mistakes, unreasonable use of expensive diagnostic examinations and inappropriate treatment leads to improvement in the overall prognosis and quality of life for the patients.Цель. Представить рекомендации диагностики и лечения пациентов с симптомами диспепсии на этапе амбулаторно-поликлинической помощи, обобщающие зарубежный и отечественный опыт ведения данной категории больных. Основная цель рекомендаций - помочь терапевту и врачу общей практики (ВОП) на амбулаторном этапе принять правильное решение о тактике ведения больного, и в максимально короткий срок поставить правильный диагноз, а также вовремя выявить у пациента наличие онкологической патологии. Основные положения. Около 40% обращений пациентов на амбулаторно-поликлиническом приеме в России связано с симптомами диспепсии. Врач, в первую очередь, должен исключить наличие «тревожных признаков», которые требуют незамедлительного дополнительного обследования пациента, привлечения хирурга и/или других специалистов и госпитализации больного. Доктор должен иметь онкологическую настороженность, особенно, при обращении пациентов в возрасте 45 лет и старше, так как ранняя диагностика злокачественных новообразований (ЗНО) зависит главным образом от онкологической настороженности терапевтов, врачей общей практики и их знаний, дальнейшей тактики в отношении больного. Эзофагогастродуоденоскопия и тесты на H. pylori являются обязательными методами исследования на этапе диагностического поиска и позволяют исключить органические заболевания пищевода и желудка, наличие онкологии. До получения результатов эндоскопического исследования следует выставлять предварительный диагноз «Диспепсия Неуточненная» и шифровать под рубрикой МКБ-10 К 31.9 (болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки неуточненная). После исключения «тревожных признаков» терапия диспепсии проводится согласно Приказу МЗ РФ № 248 и включает назначение ингибиторов протонной помпы (омепразол или рабепразол 20 мг/сут) в комбинации с прокинетиком (домперидон 30 мг/сут). Оправдано применение фиксированной комбинации омепразола 20 мг с домперидоном модифицированного высвобождения 30 мг/сут (Омез® ДСР). Заключение. Внедрение рекомендаций в клиническую практику поможет врачу избежать ошибок при постановке диагноза, применения необоснованных и нередко дорогостоящих методов обследования, нерационального лечения, что позволит улучшить прогноз и качество жизни пациентов


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    Aim: To develop evidence-based recommendations for primary care physicians and general practitioners (GP) on choosing the proper management tactics and making valuable & quick diagnostic decisions at outpatient phase for patients with symptoms of dyspepsia, and also reveal possible oncology on time. Summary of recommendations: Approximately 40% of the patients in Russia presenting to primary care with symptoms of dyspepsia. A doctor has to focus on the warning signs, which may require an urgent additional examination & the consultation with a surgeon/onco-surgeon or other specialists if required. With regard to a risk of cancer, a doctor should be more cautious in patients over 45 years of age. Early diagnosis of oncology depends mainly on cautiousness of GP, primary care physicians and their knowledge, future tactics with regard to the patients. From the mandatory diagnostic tests during the first visit, esophagogastroduodenoscopy and H. pylori diagnostics helps to exclude any organic esophagus and stomach pathology, possible oncology. While waiting for endoscopy results, a physician should use the preliminary diagnoses “Uninvestigated Dyspepsia” (ICD-10 К 31.9) (disease of stomach and duodenum, unspecified). After exclusion of all warning signs, therapy of dyspepsia should be in accordance to the order of the Ministry of Health No 248 which gives an option to use proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole or rabeprazole 20 mg daily) in combination with prokinetic (domperidone 30 mg daily). Fixed drug combination of omeprazole 20 mg and modified-release domperidone 30 mg/daily (Omez® DSR) is medically reasonable. Conclusion: The introduction of this recommendation into clinical practice will help clinicians to prevent diagnostic mistakes, unreasonable use of expensive diagnostic examinations and inappropriate treatment leads to improvement in the overall prognosis and quality of life for the patients.Цель. Представить рекомендации диагностики и лечения пациентов с симптомами диспепсии на этапе амбулаторно-поликлинической помощи, обобщающие зарубежный и отечественный опыт ведения данной категории больных. Основная цель рекомендаций - помочь терапевту и врачу общей практики (ВОП) на амбулаторном этапе принять правильное решение о тактике ведения больного, и в максимально короткий срок поставить правильный диагноз, а также вовремя выявить у пациента наличие онкологической патологии. Основные положения. Около 40% обращений пациентов на амбулаторно-поликлиническом приеме в России связано с симптомами диспепсии. Врач, в первую очередь, должен исключить наличие «тревожных признаков», которые требуют незамедлительного дополнительного обследования пациента, привлечения хирурга и/или других специалистов и госпитализации больного. Доктор должен иметь онкологическую настороженность, особенно, при обращении пациентов в возрасте 45 лет и старше, так как ранняя диагностика злокачественных новообразований (ЗНО) зависит главным образом от онкологической настороженности терапевтов, врачей общей практики и их знаний, дальнейшей тактики в отношении больного. Эзофагогастродуоденоскопия и тесты на H. pylori являются обязательными методами исследования на этапе диагностического поиска и позволяют исключить органические заболевания пищевода и желудка, наличие онкологии. До получения результатов эндоскопического исследования следует выставлять предварительный диагноз «Диспепсия Неуточненная» и шифровать под рубрикой МКБ-10 К 31.9 (болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки неуточненная). После исключения «тревожных признаков» терапия диспепсии проводится согласно Приказу МЗ РФ № 248 и включает назначение ингибиторов протонной помпы (омепразол или рабепразол 20 мг/сут) в комбинации с прокинетиком (домперидон 30 мг/сут). Оправдано применение фиксированной комбинации омепразола 20 мг с домперидоном модифицированного высвобождения 30 мг/сут (Омез® ДСР). Заключение. Внедрение рекомендаций в клиническую практику поможет врачу избежать ошибок при постановке диагноза, применения необоснованных и нередко дорогостоящих методов обследования, нерационального лечения, что позволит улучшить прогноз и качество жизни пациентов